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A wee lil update

Posted on April 23rd, 2004

Well it’s the end of the term and, after many goodbyes, hugs, and handshakes, a bid au revoir to another year. Whether for good or for bad, I have not seen the end of my days at St. Paul’s, as I am returning there for my school term this summer. Speaking of that school term, check out this schedule: I have Monday, Wednesday, and Friday… OFF!!!! Granted, Mondays are technically taken up with tutorials, but I have no intention of going. Ever. 😛 So I’m pretty excited.

The summer also holds great expectations in terms of my involvment with The Embassy; I’ve stepped up to be a co-leader of the Communications Ministry, and I’m also participating in a small group discussion on A New Kind of Christian. I’ve really wanted to talk about it and solicit some feedback to get a good feel and understanding of what Brian McLaren was trying to say… I think this will be a great opportunity to do just that!

I’m also quite excited about a new book that I borrowed from Katie: The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren. I’ll try and reflect on it each day that I read it, so expect at least 40 entries over the next 40 days!!

Day 1: It All Starts with God

I think Warren was very blunt with the very beginning of the book; he writes, “It’s not about you.” That’s quite heavy considering the egocentric society that we inhabit, and a very different mentality from the life that so many of us, myself included, live. He stresses that people are misleading their lives because they are too wrapped up with themselves. The focus is inward, temporal, and flawed… as a song that I’ve played at Chapel goes, we need to “turn our eyes upon Jesus.” God has a purpose for us, and we won’t find it unless we look to Him for it.

One Response to “A wee lil update”

  1. Rodney Says:

    Cool, I’m going to start reading “The Purpose-Driven Life” in a couple of weeks’ time, when I finish reading a couple of other books first. I’m looking forward to reading it, as it’s gotten a lot of good reviews. Check out my summer reading list:


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