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Self Discipline

Posted on November 14th, 2005

This is the earliest that I’ve been back from the Embassy in… forever. Usually I’d hang out and chat and go out with whoever afterwards, and returning after midnight was fairly common practice. But, tonight is different.

I’m starting to buckle down and becoming more cautious with my spending. Frugal, if you may. I’m keeping the money in my chequing account to a minimum (so as to remove the possibility of spending it), and I’m trying to refrain from using my credit card. Slowly but surely, I’m going to make wasting money a thing of the past. I’m not suggesting that I go off the handle with spending, but there was room for improvement.

This is just one exercise of self-discipline on which I need to embark. Others, however, are not quite as simple; for example, I need to get back on top of my school work ethic. It seems that I have become increasingly unmotivated as the school term goes by, and as work continues to pile on. I find that I would rather sit here and write journal entries than study for a midterm. Like the one I have tomorrow. This must go.

I am also going to try and watch what I eat more carefully. While I’m not on the verge of becoming a sumo by any stretch of the imagination, I have noticed that the quality of my foods has been hovering the lower end of the spectrum. I sometimes get away from it when I cook for myself but, when I’m not at home, I often go for some less-than-healthy foods. No more, I hope.

Another thing that I’m hoping to do in the near future is to start reading more. I used to be a reading machine, especially during high school. Maybe it had something to do with having more time on my hands, but I know that it’s worthwhile to make time to read. If all goes well, I’ll get into the habit of reading a bit every day. Yeah.. that’d be swell.

I’ve also made a promise to myself to exercise more next term. I make this promise every four months but, with being on campus every day with no homework, I will have no excuse. So the combination of this and good eating habits should put me into really good physical shape. Maybe I’ll get a six-pack again ๐Ÿ™‚

The last thing that I’m trying to do for myself is to be more mindful of how I relate to other people. I’ve noticed some trends — a mix of good and bad — and I need to continue to work on the goods and put an end to the bads.

Oi. I think that I might be biting off a little more than I can chew, but it’s better to have lofty goals than no goals. I think. Besides, some of them can become habits easily… like the money, food, reading, and exercising things. The school and relationships part will be slightly more taxing since they’re less day-to-day.

It starts today.

One Response to “Self Discipline”

  1. Rodney Says:

    A lot of your areas for improvement are part of my seven-point plan. All of your goals (except money) are ones that I’ve included on my plan. ๐Ÿ˜€

    If you need an accountability partner, let me know; it’s always easier having someone else to improve with. When I was at camp this summer, I partnered up with a friend regarding the healthiness of the food we ate, and it felt good to having someone else making self-improvements with me.

    Alright, back to work…

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