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Archive for August, 2006

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A Fond Farewell

Posted on Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

It is (technically) Tuesday, which means that I fly out to New York tomorrow.

I just re-read that sentence and that is freaking scary.

I’m feeling a strange combination of antsy, nervous, excited, scared, confused, restless, and pretty much every other emotion under the sun. It probably didn’t help that I saw some pictures of a friend’s recent trip to NYC on her Facebook.

And it also doesn’t help to know that there is so much to do before I can leave; my room is a mess, I am generally unpacked, I have a lot of research to do… the list goes on and on. I think I’m starting to panic. Flip, I hope that I can sleep (especially in around 22 hours’ time).

But the fact that I am leaving is finally starting to set in. I’ve suspended my cell phone. My belongings have been scattered across five different locations. I said my last goodbyes to people in Waterloo and Toronto. (There are just a couple of people left.) And, in my head, I know that it is no longer a matter of months or weeks away; it is down to days… two days.

With that in mind, this will likely be my last post from Canada for a while. Re-reading that is also pretty scary. Goodbye, Canada!

And that’s it. It’s time to set the final plans in motion. No more fear, no more anxiety. Make room for more excitement and more happiness; this is going to be one of the most memorable experiences of my life!

I’m ready.

Oh What Fun!

Posted on Sunday, August 20th, 2006

A little while ago, Dan Bruce invited me up to his cottage again and, as much I would have really loved to go, it turned out that it was on the weekend of my last exam. It was also Bre’s birthday and roast, so it would have been nearly impossible to go. He then rescheduled it to this weekend, which is my last weekend in Canada. And I think that it would be nice to spend that with family.

But I was not cottage-less this summer! I was somewhat randomly invited to go up to Matt’s cottage with Laura for Thursday and Friday!! Getting there from home proved to be a bit trickier than I had hoped but, thanks to Laura’s accomodating personality, everything fell into place nicely. (Thanks soooooo much, sista!)

I must say that relaxing at a cottage was just what I needed at the time. Things were still hectic after the end of the term with all of the moving and driving and planning and all that jazz… some time away from that to just lie down on a gently rocking boat under the hot sun (and to tube and to waterski) was just golden. So thanks to Matty for inviting me up 🙂 It was totally GTs, even with the MBs.

Last night, I ate the hottest thing I’ve ever had in my life (by a long shot); some friends from St. Mike’s encouraged me to go to Duff’s for their wings. As you can see from their wings menu, they have something called Armageddon wing sauce. I had a bit of that. And even a little bit of that had me reeling and sweating and chugging back beer. 850000 scoville heat units.. that is around as hot as it sounds. (Note: just for comparison’s sake, I would consider the “hot” there to be around the “hot” or “suicide” range at Morty’s.)

Oh, what fun!


Posted on Thursday, August 17th, 2006

I really like Bell. I know that a lot of my friends have problems with this company, but I guess I’ve been pretty lucky with them.

For example, I just got off the phone with their Customer Service department because I wanted to suspend my account while I moved to New York. After speaking to a very nice fellow, he not only agreed to suspend my account (note: my cell phone will not accept calls as of August 20, 2006), but he also offered to put me on a better plan when it gets reactivated!

And don’t get me started on Sympatico. I can’t remember the last time that the Internet at home had an outage, nor can I remember the last time the speed was noticeably slow. On the other hand, I have had my share of problems with Robbers err I mean Rogers and I refuse to do business with them.

So all this goes to say that I think Bell is great.

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