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Archive for April, 2003

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Posted on Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003

It’s just a few short days ago that I came home. I wasn’t looking forward to it because I knew that I’d be bored here; most of my friends are still writing exams, I don’t have a viable means of transportation, and there is almost nothing exciting to do at home. So far, I’ve managed by playing piano, playing guitar, watching TV, and talking on the phone, but that can only get me so far… I need something more to do πŸ™ I wish I could be more productive with my time.

Today I revamped my website, but that only took a couple of hours. I finally have some plans for tomorrow, too! Hopefully, more will come out of it and I’ll find something to do until I start work.

So far, I have to say that it’s been a rather slow start to this summer. I already miss the people from St. Paul’s, even though I talk/chat/e-mail some of them regularly. I guess it’s just not the same from here. There is hope, however, that things will turn around and that this will be a great summer. Lots of plans have been made and, if they all work out, I should be in for a very memorable four months ahead. πŸ˜›

For those of you who are on vacation, I hope things are going well! To the unfortunate few who are still slaving away at school, best of luck to ya! The end is in sight!! πŸ™‚


Posted on Monday, April 21st, 2003

I know that you are all sick of me ranting and raving about the events of my life. So in a radical departure from all of that, I’ve decided to reflect on a recent conversation that I had with one of my.. um… associates (this individual is far too superficial for my liking). The topic, as you may have already guessed, was indeed pornography. Now, please understand that I will be making plenty of generalizations here, and I am aware of most, if not all, of them. So bear with me as I pick this apart. I’m going to try and be as blunt as I can.

Porn has been around for… ages, it seems. I’m sure guys and girls have enjoyed watching people having sex for thousands of years. But it’s with the advent of the media — magazines, videos, and the Internet — that porn has really become extremely noticeable. Now, 99% of guys’ mentality 99% of the time is this: sex. For some reason, the male population is infatuated with it. Yeah, I know that society has become very secular, morals have been lost, and women have been objectified. One of the media’s strongest advertising weapons is sex appeal, and both men and women have bought it. The men are usually the target audience, and the women have accepted that looking good, looking “hot”, is the way to go; both parties are just as guilty for the disaster that is taking place in our society today. But, as a guy, I welcome blame on males. There’s an expression that goes “A guy only has enough blood for one head.” Yeah it’s kinda gross, but in the majority of the cases, it’s true. Sad, but true.

The whole issue of pornography raises a number of fundamental questions from me. In no particular order, here they are:

Don’t people get sick of it? Honestly, it’s the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over. Whether it’s a picture or a movie or whatever, the same actions ad nauseam. You’d figure that once someone sees it once, he can move on to something a little bit more profound. But, nope. Guys (and girls) are perpetually drawn to it. Sure there are different varieties, but it doesn’t make it any better. For example, there’s beastiality (I think that’s how it’s spelled). That’s just… that’s beyond wrong. Ugh. Anyone who gets turned on by that sick stuff is… in dire need of help.

What does God think of this? Granted, as a Christian, this comes to mind. For those who are not religiously inclined, I guess this is a non-issue. Since I am Christian, however, the answer for me is that it’s wrong. The Bible is pretty clear about it: adultery is wrong, and he who looks at a woman lustily is guilty of adultery. Yeah it sounds pretty tight, but I think that even if this were relaxed a little, the message would stay exactly the same.

Why degrade yourself to this level? It seems that people have become nothing more than slobbering pigs. Sex shouldn’t be getting the attention that it does. It is certainly very important, but all at the right time and place (i.e. in marriage). There’s definitely much more to life than it. But it’s been blown way out of proportion and people can’t stop thinking about it. Everyone’s to blame: society for marketing it and society for listening to it.

I guess the most basic of these questions is this last one. What do you care about more: the incomes of some immoral, disgusting actors and actresses, or for your own dignity? The answer should be unanimous, but the porn industry is a multi-billion dollar one. For a lot of people, a similar question can be posed. Who do you care about more: immoral, disgusting actors and actresses or someone in your life (such as a significant other)? Again, the answer should be very obvious. Yet people, such as the poor soul with whom I had this discussion, still watch porn avidly despite having significant others in their lives. How pitiful. This, however, isn’t an invitation to go have sex with those significant others to their hearts’ desires; again, there is a time and a place for all of that.

It’s always disheartening to overhear guys talk about girls. The same adjectives are used time and time again, and the same intentions are there. Even those quiet, reserved guys do it. You wouldn’t think so, but yet they do. I was shocked when I heard some of the people in my class (i.e. nerds) talk that way. I’ve concluded that addiction to pornography is a disease; it plagues the majority of the population. It serves no useful purpose except to waste people’s time and money, to reduce people’s dignities, and to send society into a downward spiral to universal disrespect and idolatry.

Now I’ve pointed a lot of fingers, and I haven’t talked about me a whole lot. Personally, there is not a shred of pornography in my possession, and I have no intentions on changing that. While I do appreciate physical beauty, that’s not the first thing I look for in a girl. Furthermore, I would not contort that appreciation into infatuation; I love, not lust. I applaud those that do not conform to the stereotypes and generalizations I have mentioned in this post; kudos to you for having self-respect and respect for others. This world is in desperate need of more people like you.


Posted on Saturday, April 19th, 2003

Well I’m home now. As expected, my room has been taken over by my dad for his miscellaneous storage purposes. Thus, I have a rather large and ugly wall of boxes to my left. Sigh..

Driving back was extraordinarily boring. It was nice, however, to get behind the wheel of a car again; I haven’t driven since… around Christmas. When I got back, I found that I couldn’t update the settings on my website, so it’s still down right now. How terribly annoying. What’s also somewhat annoying, but more disappointing, perhaps, is that when I look outside, I see dense layers of houses. No lovely trees nor Westmount Rd. North. Just a vast army of houses. I miss St. Paul’s already.

I’m tired, and I’m bored. I want to talk to somebody. Will you talk to me?

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