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Never Count God Out

Posted on September 25th, 2005

Funny how Dom was speaking about it this past Sunday.

Funny, also, how I read this tonight (in The Last Word and The Word After That):

“[The point of Jesus’ teachings] wasn’t ‘hold the right beliefs.’ ‘affirm the right doctrines,’ or anything like that. Instead, Jesus was clearly interested in action, in what we do, in how we treat others especially, and in whether we trust him enough to follow his teaching even if it means difficulty and persecution.”

Maybe this offers some insight to my predicament? I hope that it’s not me losing trust or anything. Perhaps it’s a matter of me not trusting enough or seeing it clearly.

God, help me rekindle the fire that I should have for You. I want to feel warm inside when I serve You. I want to be a light to others. I want to purge my sins and be clean.

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