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Archive for March, 2003

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Happy day

Posted on Friday, March 28th, 2003

Oh my. It’s 18 degrees outside, blue skies, and a bit of clouds here and there. Classes were short, and a lot of things are going great! It’s kinda weird how I can say that considering I haven’t really slept too much recently due to boatloads of work. But those days are slowly coming to an end: there is only one assignment left to do. Then… *sigh*… finals.

I came to a very wonderful realization that my marks aren’t bad at all. Even though I did poorly (in my standards, at least) in three midterms, my average is still chugging along. In fact, I’m pretty sure that it’s higher than my last term’s average so far. Thank the Lord for assignments and merciful professors! Nevertheless, I fully anticipate swift and utter destruction during finals. I hope I can keep an 80…

These past few days have been quite interesting. With the coming of nicer weather and less homework, things don’t seem to be that bad. While there are plenty of issues that worry me, it’s becoming harder for me to focus on them. Instead, I’ve been spending a lot more time doing college related things: I applied to be a Don, socialize more, and try to enjoy life as best as I can. With the whole socializing thing, I’ve really gotten to know some people (though, one in particular) a lot better, and that’s definitely something that brings a smile. I can only hope that everything will continue as it has over the last couple of days.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Posted on Wednesday, March 26th, 2003

I have spent the last while reading about the Zwan show that I didn’t attend last night, and it’s saddening 🙁 I’ve read the setlist and how it was like the most amazing show ever. My only hope now is that I get my hands on a bootleg of the show *sniff*

On a related note, I hate school.

Shock and Awe

Posted on Saturday, March 22nd, 2003

That’s what the US called it: their “Shock and awe” strategy. To see the horror for yourselves, click here. It reminds me quite vividly of the bombing in Kosovo when Milosovich was apparently causing trouble there. But what happened a few hours ago was much worse. Things have gone horribly wrong in the world when nations are allowed to do this to a capital city without any repercussions. It is unbelievable that the US was allowed to waltz in there and wreak the havoc like they have done.

I have said this to so many others, but I will reiterate once more: this war is wrong on so many levels. First, it is illegal. By international conventions, there was no ground for a just war in this situation. Second, the motives behind this war are more economical than humanitarian. The US propaganda machine (basically, the international media) puts the blame squarely on Saddam’s shoulders, and that it is all his fault that the war has started. Granted, he is not completely innocent; I’m sure he has done a lot of evil things. And sure, his decision to stay in his country, in disobedience to the US ultimatum, “triggerred” the war. But there are people much worse than Saddam. People who have unspeakable power to destroy and who are not afraid to use it. People like George Bush. There is so much to say against this man, if I can even call him that, I don’t know where to begin. Plain and simple, he’s a puppet. If you ever watched him deviate from his scripts, it’s very easy to tell that his English class went in one ear and straight out the other. Then there’s him choking on a pretzel. Then there’s him looking through binoculars with the lens cap on. Now, how can such a stupid person have the capacity to do something like this? I blame his Cabinet, his advisors, and his father. I’m quite confident when I say that George W. Bush is being manipulated by the military and by his father. He is fighting his father’s war. He’s out to finish what his father started. He is being more of a tyrant than Saddam. Under his reign, he has completely disintegrated America’s reputation in the international community, and domestically. He is an embarrassment to people around the world, including in his own country. I bet Osama’s getting a good laugh out of this because he got everything he wanted: the American economy is in shambles, and America’s credibility has gone down the poohole. Now, I’m not going to say that Osama is scot-free either, because he is definitely a man with a lot of crap on his hands. But I can’t help but feel sorry for Americans right now.

Bless those Americans who know that this war is wrong and oppose it.
Bless those soldiers who are out there fighting a war only because they are under orders to do so.
Bless the innocent who are in harm’s way.
Bless the world leaders who will shun the “Coalition of the Willing” for bringing about such an atrocity in our beautiful world.

I know in my heart that this war is very wrong. Pray with me that those are are waging this was will realize their folly and seek a peaceful means. Pray with me that it will end soon with as little destruction of God’s creations. Pray with me. Pray.

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