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Archive for May, 2006

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A Fresh Start

Posted on Saturday, May 13th, 2006

After an unexpected battle with adware, I elected to reformat my desktop computer; it had been a long time coming, so I figured yesterday was as good of a time as any.

Except for the fact that I sent my Windows XP CD home. Good thing Keith had one handy! Except for the fact that I needed a CD key. Good thing the university gives those to students!

So the long, arduous task actually started this morning. I only managed to format yesterday since I got stuck at the license key prompt for a while. But, after many hours of reinstalling and reconfiguring, the beast of my computer is running exceptionally smoothly now! I guess it was worth the hassle.

Also, I hung out with Keith and Kat last night.. I *think* that that was the first time we hung out together outside of the basement apartment that we shared. And it was a little weird. Maybe it’s because we just ate dinner and watched tv or maybe it’s because there was someone else with us or maybe it’s because we were so used to just being housemates. Maybe we should find out by doing something again soon… like a barbeque! ๐Ÿ˜€

Something else that’s fresh is a book discussion that I’ll be hosting here… Dom’s leading one on The Jesus I Never Knew by Philip Yancey, and I’ve been hearing some good things about it! I’m really looking forward to Wednesday!

Anyhow, c’est tout pour maintenant. I lost my iTunes library during the reformat so I better get started on rebuilding that… and with like 60 gigs of media, it’ll take some time…

I Just Want To Sing A Song With You

Posted on Thursday, May 11th, 2006

Well, well, well! Not surprisingly, my good friends Laura and Matthew got engaged! A bunch of us suspected that Matt would pop the question sometime during their trip in South America and he didn’t disappoint. Congratulations!!!

This makes two sets of friends getting engaged this week! Maybe it’s just the spring fever, or maybe it’s just that time in life where things start moving. Sure, it depends on the person and the culture around that person, but it seems like the low- to mid-twenties are a very happening age.

Regardless of why, though, I’ve been thinking about my present lot in life. I imagine that it has something to do with all of the commitments and hookups that have been swirling around me (and, yet, consistently missing me), but I’m sure that there’s more to it.

I think that I’m almost ready for something. For a while, I thought that I was but my emotions and actions told otherwise. There have been times when I had been very foolish and part of me is glad that nothing materialized then. That’s not to say that damage was not done, because people (including myself) got hurt. And that always sucks.

But, for now, I continue to have little-to-no expectations. I refuse to actively seek, preferring instead to let things happen on their own. I guess time is sorta on my side, as long as I’m willing to part with my childhood hope of settling down by the time I’m 25. And, given the way things are, I don’t think I have much of a choice.

Patience, Justin, patience.

Win Some, Lose Some

Posted on Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

I’ve become fairly fond of lists, so I’ll categorize recent events as wins and losses.

First off, I need to send a huge congratulations to Curtis on his recent engagement!!!

Some other recent wins:
– Buying Batman Begins DVD for $7.99 and U2’s Vertigo Tour DVD for $13.99! Yay HMV sale!
– Having my first barbeque of the term ๐Ÿ˜€ Mmmmmmmeat!
– Being ahead on my assignments and whatnot.
– Convincing my prof to reconsider his evaluation of my work term!
– Finding a group in my CS 432 class; I was loathing the prospect of being stuck with randoms but there’s a fellow ex-Softie!

But with the ups are the downs (or the not-so-ups-that-seem-like-downs):
– Seeing Colorado being down 0-3 to Anaheim.
– Losing my laptop for a while.
– Buying faulty cables for the aforementioned laptop.
– Suffering from allergies. Terrible, terrible allergies.
– Having to skip class today to send the aforementioned laptop for repairs.

Edit: Acer lied to me and said the package was going to be picked up today; apparently, it came yesterday. So it turns out that I skipped class for nothing. Boourns.

I guess it all comes out in the wash, though… doodaa.

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