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Archive for October, 2005

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Death Cab For Justin

Posted on Monday, October 17th, 2005

A bunch of people went to Toronto to see Death Cab For Cutie at the Kool Haus. I was also in Toronto but, unfortunately, I didn’t have a ticket for the show πŸ™ Word is that scalpers were trying to get $260 for them!

But, while I didn’t go to the show, I still got something from it! John picked up a shirt for me (because I asked him to)! πŸ˜€ And it’s the first green shirt that I’ve owned in… I don’t know how long. I feel so colourful wearing it!


Posted on Sunday, October 16th, 2005

I’m in Toronto right now and, despite being somewhat far away from Waterloo, I still haven’t escaped the grasp of homework! Currently, I have my economics textbook beside me and my actuarial science notes not too far away, either πŸ™

That said, I didn’t come to Toronto to do homework in a different location. It was mostly business as I had to sign a form for my income taxes (yay for hyperlaziness!) and stuff like that. I suppose it was also to make amends for not being here over Thanksgiving. So my dad, brother, and I went out for dinner tonight. We went to a good restaurant not too far away and, because the food took a little bit long to come out (although it wasn’t unbearable), we scored free desserts! Huzzah!

Another reason I came back was for my new sunglasses; I got a pair of prescription ones! For a while, I was completely desperate… I lost my old sunglasses and the sun was really getting on my nerves as I biked back and forth from school a kazillion times a week. Then Kat finds them between the cushions of the couch and the sun proceeded to hide behind clouds and rain. 😐 Even if it didn’t do that, I still think that I’m sick of those sunglasses.

First off, they’re clip-ons. No, they’re not the really terrible ones that don’t match the shape of the frames and come hanging out the bottom. But still, they’re pretty bad. They’re pretty heavy and deform easy. Plus, the tackyness factor is a bit too much for me. No mo’ clip-ons!

Secondly, they’re prone to loss. I reminded myself of this by misplacing them for a good week or so.

The new ones are really messing up my eyes though… the curved lenses have a different focal point than my traditional, normal glasses, so things seem a bit distorted. I’m told that in a few days, I will get used to it and that I’d be good to go from there. I clung to that as I gave myself a headache from wearing them today (as I wanted to adjust to them as soon as possible). So hopefully the sun will stay out so I can make some use out of these suckers!

Anyhow, my economics textbook is giving me some weird faces so I should probably attend to it… happy weekend, all!

High & Dry

Posted on Friday, October 14th, 2005

Black Forest, St. Paul’s annual coffee house, is steadily approaching; it usually happens in the winter term and, for the past two years, I’ve done something for it.

Click here to read about Black Forest 2004.

Click here to read about Black Forest 2005.

If I am in Waterloo next term (and I completely want to be), I’m fairly certain that I’ll be trying to do something again. Rodney recently made a comment about it and, well, it sounds like a lot of fun!

The question is what to do for it. In terms of coffee hosues, I’ve done a few different kinds of things already: piano accompaniment, acoustic guitar accompaniment, lead electric guitar, solo acoustic guitar, and some variety of support and solo vocals interspersed in those.

So the scale of the performances have been fairly wide — everything from me going solo to duets to a six-person band. Each have its advantages: smaller numbers are easier to coordinate but larger numbers are more fun and memorable (if they work).

I’m at a bit of a loss in terms of where I’d like to go for the next Black Forest. A band is a lot of fun (and I know a guy that can hit some drums pretty well, which very nicely fills that role (which is probably one of the hardest to fill)).

But then the style of band/music is up in the air. It’d be nice to have a theme; last time was a bunch of random songs that we liked. Hmmmmmm… thoughts?

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